Holli Temple, Pharm.D.
Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice
The University of Texas at Austin College of Pharmacy
Holli Temple earned a BS in Biomedical Science from Texas A&M University, a BS in Pharmacy and a Pharm.D. from UT Austin College of Pharmacy. Holli practiced hospital pharmacy for 16 years, served on faculty at UT Austin College of Pharmacy for 12 years, and has taught the sterile compounding course and lab for 8 years. Teaching IV lab is like running a pharmacy for a semester! In a span of 9-10 labs, students develop the technical skills to aseptically compound preparations, apply knowledge of state and federal sterile compounding regulations to specific scenarios, and use drug information resources to determine how to accurately make a preparation. Holli also teaches in the Foundations of Patient-Centered Care course and coordinates the Care and Respect for Elders Program. Additionally, Dr. Temple facilitates an interprofessional team in Foundations for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice and serves as Project Faculty for third-year pharmacy students working with community mentors to create and deliver a Population Health Project. In her free time, Holli enjoys spending time with family and friends, running, hiking, and snow-skiing